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I Don’t Want To Kill My Dog

Calm, Panic, Calm: the Rhythm of Living with a Dying Dog
A few months have passed since a vet gave my sweet Sally, a German Shepherd mix of A Certain Age, the diagnosis: a fast-growing malignant tumor on her front left elbow. Since deciding on palliative care, I’ve been keeping her as comfortable as I can, without knowing how many months she has left.....Read More
Chronicle of a (Dog) Death Foretold
Twelve years ago: My family and I rescue a two- or three-year-old Shepherd mix, whom we name Sally. For reasons I’ll never know, she selects me as her pack leader and glues herself to my side. I take her with me everywhere I can bring a dog and even a few places where I arguably couldn’t. Good dog day. Bad hair day.…Read More
In Which I Slip on a Public Street, and Land on My Butt
As I do more days than not, last Wednesday I was walking from my car to my yoga studio, mat slung over my shoulder, head bowed slightly toward my phone as I punched my parking… Read More
What If Your Safety Net Doesn’t Feel Safe?
When surrounded by friends and family on whom one can count for support of every kind, it’s hard to imagine the downward spiral that can land someone on the street. Friends ask me how someone can utterly alienate that support network, and whether it’s always someone suffering from mental illness or fighting an addiction. Unsurprisingly, I have no easy answers. Read More